Every man wants to enjoy sexual intercourse, to pass it on to his partner, not to have diseases, problems with the sexual sphere. But in recent years, the violation of power has become one of the most common diseases that transcends the representatives of the stronger sex.
In addition, not only men after the age of 40-45 suffer, but also a whole new generation, guys aged 20-30. Today we will look at the existing methods of increasing power without drugs, which will be very useful, have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system. As you know, drugs have many contraindications, side effects, therefore, not everyone is allowed to take them, as well as in doses determined only by the treating physician.
And these methods that we will talk about today are useful to every man, they do not have a negative effect on the body. We will talk about three methods. The first is the use of various folk remedies, the second is the performance of special exercises, the third is, of course, proper nutrition.

How to increase the power of folk remedies?
Without drugs, you can easily improve sexual potency, because there are many herbs, healthy foods and other means that favorably affect male potency. Do not forget that any folk method, like any medicine, is prescribed only by the treating physician! Self-medication is a wrong, dangerous method of treatment. You can increase the power with the help of a very useful medicine. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:
- raisins, plums, dried apricots in crushed form (100 gr each).
- sugar - 1 tbsp. large. ;
- spices - clove, cinnamon and cardamom (1 pinch each).
All ingredients are placed in a metal bowl, mix well, pour red wine. The pot should then be simmered for about an hour. For the first half hour, the medicine should be boiled without a lid and then the container should be covered. Take syrup to increase activity, three times a day, 1 tbsp large.
nettle, ginseng
Good drug-free activity will be provided thanks to nettle. To prepare a decoction, you can use it as nettle seeds. The same goes for its leaves. A tablespoon of the plant in crushed form should be poured with a glass of boiling water, taken before meals.
You can increase the potency without the use of drugs with the help of the root of such a medicinal plant as ginseng. The method of preparation will not require much time, effort, because everything is very simple. It is necessary to take one hundred grams of ginseng root, put them in a deep container, pour half a liter of water and leave it for two days.
Then you need to put the infusion on low heat, cook it for four hours. After this time, the product is filtered. Then add 1 tbsp large. honey, cinnamon. To enhance the activity, it is recommended to take one hundred milliliters after meals.
Honey application
You can increase the power without taking drugs with the help of a natural useful product - honey. A huge benefit to the body will be offered if you consume a few teaspoons of honey daily or add nuts to it. By the way, walnut also helps increase male potency.
Therefore, these two ingredients can be combined together to get the best result. To prepare a medicinal drug, honey and nuts can be combined in equal amounts, mixed and consumed half an hour after a meal, twice a day, 2 tsp. It is worth noting that it is recommended to drink everything with milk.
You can increase the activity with ginger. Ginger root is used to make medicinal tinctures, it is also added to tea. Let's look at the method of tea and tincture recipes. To make tea, you need to take 1 teaspoon. roots in dried, ground form, then pour 200 ml boiling water, insist.
It is very simple to prepare a tincture yourself that will help you increase the activity.
You can add one hundred grams of ginger root with 300 ml of ethyl alcohol. It is necessary to keep the drug for 14 days in a dark place. Once the infusion is ready, you should take ten drops in the evening, just before bedtime.
You can do without drugs, the main thing is to know the basic ways to help members of the stronger sex regain their sexual power. By the way, ginger is very often used as a seasoning for various dishes, it is added fresh. It is perfect for meat, fish dishes, desserts, soups, drinks. For example, tea with the addition of ginger will be useful not only for the reproductive system, but also for immunity, the body as a whole.
Any folk remedy is prescribed by a doctor and only in the absence of contraindications. Allergies, individual intolerance. It is worth remembering! Self-medication can be dangerous!
Physical exercise
Sport is health. Therefore, a set of special exercises for men is recommended in order to increase strength. Physical activity should be moderate, then you will really benefit. During training, blood circulation improves, which in turn prevents the onset of stagnant processes, including the male genitals, and there is also a more enhanced testosterone production.
As you can see, drugs can be easily delivered. Good results will be achieved in the case of regular training, which consists of a small number of effective exercises, the characteristics of which we will now consider. Well, let's get started.
Strengthening the squats will help, as well as the well-known "bridge" exercise. To make the bridge, you have to lie on your back, bend your knees. Then place your feet about twenty inches from your hips, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then what about the hands. They should bend at the elbows and then lift the elbows upwards. Thus, the emphasis on the floor will occur due to the palms.
Then you will need to push yourself with your feet, with your hands as high as possible from the floor, so that your back takes the form of an arch. The ideal performance of this exercise for increasing strength is if the legs and arms are fully stretched. This is the classic implementation of the bridge.
Other exercises
There are many ways to increase strength without resorting to medication. For example, exercise "bike". The man should lie on his back, then lift his legs, imitate the bike. To achieve the maximum result from such a ride, it is recommended to change the speed of the movements. For example, start at low speed, go to maximum and then return to low.
The so-called walking on the buttocks has a positive effect on male sexual power. It is necessary to take a starting position - to sit on the floor, then move first forward, then backward, doing it on the buttocks. The front step also works well. You should stand up straight, place your arms along your body, lift your legs in turn, trying to reach your knees to your stomach.
You can increase strength with the help of an exercise called a pendulum. You need to stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to sit so that your buttocks and knees are level. After that, you should move your pelvis back and forth, doing as many repetitions as possible. If you feel tired, rest, take a new approach. It is important to remember that you inhale when you move backwards and you inhale when you move forward.
How to eat properly?
The male body needs daily replenishment with both minerals (magnesium, zinc and others) and vitamins, especially vitamin E. A man's diet should consist of healthy foods that contain protein, vegetable fats, slow carbohydrates and fiber. Therefore, you can increase drug-free potency with the help of proper nutrition. Which products are useful for the stronger sex?
We have already mentioned the beneficial effects of honey and nuts. In addition to walnuts, you can eat pistachios, pistachios, hazelnuts. They contain a lot of proteins, fatty acids necessary for the body. Nuts promote the production of hormones. Of great importance for male potency is an amino acid called arginine. When arginine begins to act in a man, both the activity and the concentration of sperm in the semen appear, the blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves.
It is possible to increase the power without drugs through other products that have a beneficial effect on the sexual sphere, on the immune system as a whole.
Garlic promotes vasodilation, increasing blood circulation. It is a natural antiseptic that helps treat various diseases by destroying harmful, pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.
Any green will very well affect the activity of the sexual sphere. For example, parsley, dill, spinach, lettuce, etc. It is also useful to eat ginger and celery.
From ancient times the benefits of seafood for both women and men have been known. Therefore, the diet should include seaweed, various species of fish, mussels and shrimp. Fermented dairy products help increase potency without the use of drugs. For example, natural sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt without various additives, preservatives. The quality of the products is very important. Therefore, you should choose those that do not contain substances harmful to the body.
In order not to go nose to nose to face problems with power, it is necessary to undergo a full examination once a year or every six months. It is necessary to visit not only the urologist, but also all other specialists (endocrinologist, dermatologist, psychotherapist, surgeon and others), because the deterioration of sexual function can occur in a huge number of different reasons.
For example, very often power disorders are caused by stress, anxiety, disorders, problems with the endocrine system, any inflammatory processes, injuries, diseases, infections. You should not allow the condition to worsen, if you have suspicious symptoms, you should seek the help of a doctor. As you can see, there are many ways to increase strength without medication.
Proper nutrition, a set of physical exercises that should be performed regularly, as well as the use of folk remedies for individual intolerance and contraindications are excellent helpers in improving, increasing sexual potency. For greater effectiveness of these methods, you should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs. Otherwise, all the effort and time will be lost! Be healthy!